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宋蒙战争是一场关乎南宋最终命运走向的战争,宋末诗家心系时局,以诗为史,反映战事进展。局部战争时期,李曾伯、魏了翁等人在诗中表达对川蜀局势的关切。蒙古分三路正式进攻南宋后,王同祖在金陵幕中以诗专记战时应对之策与襄樊、江淮战事,补充了正史之外的细节。钓鱼城大捷后,刘克庄等人除以诗相庆外,还对战局的走向充满忧思。至襄樊战败,诗家对贾似道误国一事进行了激烈谴责,并痛心宋廷无人堪用、无计可施的可悲现实。至全面决战、临安陷落前后,宋人面对家国遽变,其诗作又有多重心态的呈现。  相似文献   
抗战时期,中国图书文化事业备受日寇摧残,众多文化典籍被日寇劫掠而去或毁于战火。在此特殊时期,陈训慈征求各类文献,举办图书文献展览会,保护文澜阁《四库全书》与天一阁藏书,撰文与创刊宣传浙江图书文化事业,创建图书馆协会推进全省图书文化事业,为图书文化事业做出了难以磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   
在1951年6月至1953年7月的朝鲜停战谈判中,战俘遣返问题是谈判双方争论最为激烈、耗时最长的议题。美国出于冷战需要,拒不同意遣返所有被俘朝中人员;而朝中方面则依据关于战俘遣返问题的日内瓦公约,要求遣返所有战俘。由于在此问题上僵持不下,致使谈判几次陷于停顿。最终,谈判双方各自做出一定让步,使得战俘遣返问题得以解决,为朝鲜停战协定的签订消除了最后也是最大的一个障碍。  相似文献   
Robert Smith 《Globalizations》2018,15(7):1045-1057

The Kurdistan Regional Government emerges out of the chaos of post-Saddam Iraq as a rare positive, providing both political stability and economic growth. However, the outward display masks a more complex domestic settlement where the trappings of the free market coexist with political parties who are significant economic actors. How can this model of development in Iraqi Kurdistan be explained? Turning to the writings of political economist Karl Polanyi, does his thinking on relations between society and economy offer a way to unpack the development? And what does this analysis tell us of prospects for Iraqi Kurdistan?  相似文献   
The article focuses on the autobiographical memories of people born in Germany after the Second World War, whose mothers were local women and whose fathers were members of the allied forces. Based on the analysis of narrative interviews, we ask how these people experienced their growing up and their sociocultural environment in the post‐war era, and what kind of coping strategies they developed to deal with adverse living conditions.  相似文献   
Most of the world's nations have revised their constitutions to protect the human rights of their citizens. Yet there has been no national discussion in this country to write human rights into our own constitution. Building on Blau's (2015) call to action, this work explores ways in which sociologists can align the principles of our profession to the advancement of human society and the protection of human rights.  相似文献   
2014年7月17日,马来西亚航空公司的一架客机在飞越乌克兰东部交战区域时被导弹击中坠毁,机组人员与乘客全部遇难。基于相关事实,认为根据现有国际条约,故意击落他国民航客机属于严重危害民用航空安全的犯罪行为,且违反了1949年《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》的规定,构成了《国际刑事法院规约》中的“战争罪”。限于种种因素,国际刑事法院和国际法院很难对涉事的国家和个人实施管辖,但犯罪发生地国、航空器登记地国、罪犯藏匿地国乃至受害者国籍国等都可依普遍管辖权或其国内法的规定对本案实施管辖并对罪犯定罪量刑。  相似文献   
抗战时期,陕西既是抗战的前沿阵地和西北开发的重点省份,又是华北和中原抗日军民的后方基地,更是联结西北、西南整个大后方和国际援华渠道的交通纽带,战略地位十分重要。而当时陕西的千万同胞,则在促成国共两党第二次合作、开展抗日救亡活动、保卫黄河河防、直接抗击日军以及防空、支前等方面,发挥了责无旁贷的积极作用,为实现全民族抗战、坚持持久抗战、争取抗战胜利做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   
战备物资合同储备合谋防范策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战备物资委托企业合同储备过程中存在多重委托代理关系,结合博弈理论,分析军方-军代表-代储企业三方损益,考虑合谋惩罚因素和名誉损失惩罚因素。在分析合谋形成条件的基础上,建立战备物资合同储备预防合谋机制模型,得出混合战略均衡解,模型的均衡解反映了代储企业与军代表选择违规获取合谋收益的最佳概率,以及军方监管机构选择监督的均衡概率,得出监管力度和监管成本的合理组合,实现监管效益最大化。通过实例仿真讨论模型在不同参数下的合谋条件,识别合谋监管的关键变量,为完善战备物资合同储备监管机制提供参考。  相似文献   
This article offers a framework for exploring the relevance of modernity to contemporary East Asia. I first examine different conceptualizations of modernity, paying special attention to Eisenstadt's influential concept of multiple modernities. Second, I point out the limitations and flaws of Eisenstadt's theory by drawing on nationalist politics in East Asia as an illustrative case. In particular, I examine the so-called “history perception problem,” which has been created by war and shaped by the legacies of war, to demonstrate the peculiar features of modernity in East Asia. Third, I use the works by three scholars as examples to show how intellectuals in China, South Korea, and Taiwan respond to the tensions between universalism and particularism, which, as a whole, reflect what can be called “East Asian modernity.” And finally, I try to respond to the controversial but fashionable question that is peculiar to East Asia: can modernity be overcome? It is argued that East Asia can be understood through the lens of modernity, and vice versa. Nowadays, modernity has become a global condition in both geographical and topological senses. It is not something to be overcome, but a condition that we all live in and should learn to live with, here and now.  相似文献   
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